Ocean Home {Part II}

Hazy days spent at the ocean
Somethings always made me feel at home here
Heart calms, taking in breaths with the pace of the tide
the roaring sound of the waves hush my rushing thoughts
It's peace. The peace brings me home and takes me out of my head
I brought flowers, and all the right kind of whimsy I could find
There was this feeling that times are changing, a new was on it's way
I wanted to document it one way or another
Remember the feeling of it all. and the breath I'm breathing now.
What I'm Wearing:
White dress // Lace Kimono // Hat-Forever21 // Bracelets-Alex + Ani //
Five years ago when I moved out to Santa Barbara I came here to study professional photography at Brooks Institute with the hopes of becoming a fashion photographer. I loved the creative conceptualized photo shoots I saw in Vogue, and W. If I could I would be a fashion photographer during the 80's, it was such an amazing time for photographers and for the fashion industry! But I learned more and more that nowadays a lot of the creativity of the photo shoots come more from creative directors and stylists and less from the photographer. My passion was and is composition. Creative composition, seeing beauty, making beauty; putting things, people, objects, colors, shapes together in a way that is the absolute most aesthetically pleasing to the eye. After school ended I realized that maybe I loved photography with all my heart, but it wasn't the thing I wanted to work towards a career at. In other words, I have such a huge passion for photography but when I try to make money out of it it becomes a whole other animal- I lose my love for it, and instead it becomes this thing I have to force in order to survive…That is not what I ever wanted from my dream. Sooo I ended up finishing school with an immensely deep education in photography and not a clue what I wanted to do with it.
I had to figure something else out. and Voila! The fashion blog started, which led to jewelry making, which has led me to this very moment, almost three years later typing out this blog post. And I'm so glad to report that I feel like I'm following my dream path more than ever, it just took me some roundabout ways to get there!
This photoshoot was me going back to simplicity in composition. Now, I didn't take these photos- my wonderful friend from college helped me out when I came to her with the idea. I just wanted to bring some beauty back without it being about my outfit. I just wanted some photos that represent where I'm at because I never could have guessed this is where my life was going to take me...
Photography by Ash Robinson
Photoshop/Post Processing by Chelsea Dennis
I never stop myself to mention some thing about it.
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