Drifiting Away, Wave After Wave

What I'm Wearing:
Bra: Kimchi Urban Outfitters, Dress: Hanger 221, Purse: Mat + Nat (Urban Outfitters),  Purse Tassel: Chelsea Den Jewelry, Turquoise and Quartz Necklace: Chelsea Den Jewelry

Woo Friday!!
After a much longer than expected break and after months of not taking a single photo for my blog, I'm back! 
 I turned 23 in July (yay Leos!) And it's had me thinking a lot about my future and what exactly I want that to look like. My jewelry has been my focus the last few months- I became so engulfed in it all that I even almost considered just narrowing my ventures down to just jewelry making instead of jewelry and blogging... My fashion blog takes up a lot of my time,  and other people around me were saying "your jewelry's doing so well and it's making you money... maybe just put all your time into that" and I was just considering throwing in the towel. Welllll I couldn't do it!! So today I wanted to write a little about following you passions and choosing your own personal happiness! 
For the last few months all that's been on my mind is jewelry- designing it, getting it seen,  thinking about crystals I want to work with, new metals I want to try, better packaging, more social networking, stores I want to sell to, plans for future marketing, ahhh!!! It's quite a venture choosing to work for yourself. It's a bumpy, rocky road and I'm still very much trying to keep it together while I make it past my first few years. But for today at least, I'm feeling so incredibly overwhelmed with how happy I am that I've chosen to follow my passions for a living. And it's days like this that make all of the obstacles, all of the bumps in the road, so SO worth it. The joy I get from creating a little treasure that has it's own unique beauty is a happiness I have yet to find doing something else, and not only that, but someone, somewhere is just waiting to find it to love for themselves! And the same goes for my blog when I get a comment, or I hear from a close friend that they love looking at it, it just makes me want to keep going! 
I've been trying to make some big changes in my own life in regards to my personal happiness.  I'm quickly learning to choose what's best for me, even if others don't necessarily agree (and some haven't) but that's where the learning comes in-to accept them for how they feel and where they're at in their life, and accept that I deserve my own happiness at the same time. Life's all about figuring out what you need to do to be happy- in my opinion, it's that simple.  But the hard part is when other people who you care about don't necessarily feel the same. But choosing your happiness first (as long as it's not harming anyone or thing around you) is always the better way to go, and will always pay off the most in the end. When it comes down to it, my idea of happiness really means that my loved ones are taken care of, I have the materials I need to keep creating my jewels, time to shoot with my cameras, and an ocean I can drive to at the end of the day. 
I love my jewelry making, I love getting to share these outfit posts, and I love that I've decided, no matter what, to pour my heart and soul into what I create. So I just wanted to do a post about happiness, and what it means to me, to choose to be happy.
My blog is such an important part of my own self expression that I can't help but always come back to it. I've got so many ideas for photo shoots and new outfits so stay tuned for more! And thank you for staying with me through the last few years.
Love, Love, Love,

Get this look for $40+ on Lookastic: White Casual Dress, Brown Suede Ankle Boots, Burgundy Crossbody Bag
