Chelsea + Chelsea


Not that long ago a very talented Photographer friend of mine did a shoot of me and a very dear best friend, that I met here in Santa Barbara a few years back. Her name is also Chelsea, she is also from Colorado, and we were born only a day apart…Besides all of that we have tons of things in common and instantly got along the second we met. A regular Yin and Yang. After living together for a year, we just recently got our own places, so this shoot was definitely a great reason for us to get back together (along with our pups that have missed eachother) and go up to an old burnt down castle in the mountains of Santa Barbara. 
These photographs were done by the very, very talented Saskia Koerner. She is an amazing photographer that has such a breathtaking skill for capturing light and the loveliest of moments. She has done awesome work in fine art, portraiture, and fashion (and she also made that scarf I’m holding in one of the photos) Just really beautiful, timeless work. Make sure to check out her art Saskia Koerner Photography
